Σάββατο 30 Ιουνίου 2012


  Τόσο καιρό κρατιέμαι,κρατιέμαι αλλά πόσες άμυνες μπορεί να κρατήσει κάποιος απέναντι σ'αυτό το λασπωμένο κτήνος?
  Το δεύτερο album των POTΕRGEIST , "Μuddy Mermaids" τυρρανά εδώ και καιρό τα ταλαιπωρημένα απ'τις εντάσεις αυτιά μου με τον καλύτερο τρόπο,όμως μιας και μας συνδέουν φιλικές σχέσεις απέφευγα να το συμπεριλάβω στις μπάντες που παρουσιάζονται, φοβούμενος μήπως η φιλία και η συμπάθεια μπερδεύει την κρίση.
  ΠΑΠΑΡΙΕΣ!!!! Η εν λόγω μπάντα,τουλάχιστον για την ελληνική πραγματικότητα δεν χρειάζεται συστάσεις , έχει λιώσει άπειρες φορές πάνω στα εγχώρια stages και έχει supportάρει κατά καιρούς μεγάλα ονόματα του σκληρού ήχου όπως οι MONSTER MAGNET,οι THE HAUNTED και τελευταία ήταν το ένα απ'τα δύο support σχήματα στην συναυλία των LYNYRD SKYNYRD.
  Τώρα ο δίσκος ....
  Λάσπη,ρεύμα και Rock/Metal τσαμπουκάς!!!Θεωρώ πως όσοι αποκαλούν τους POTERGEIST τους Έλληνες PANTERA  ειδικά πλέον (εντάξει στο "Southwards" οι επιρροές απ'την τεράστια αυτή αμερικάνικη μπάντα ήταν κάτι παραπάνω από εμφανείς) είναι τουλάχιστον κουφοί.
  Είναι πολύ εύκολο ότι ανήκει στα stoner πλαίσια ή έστω στα stonecore πλαίσια να το παρομοιάζεις με τους PANTERA (άσχετα βέβαια με το ότι αυτοί έπαιζαν γαμημένο Metal,αλλά αυτό είναι μια άλλη μεγάλη κουβέντα) και με αυτό τον τρόπο να παίρνει η μπάλα και αυτούς που προσπαθούν να ξεχωρίσουν.
  Το "Muddy Mermaids"  κουβαλά μια καθαρά μεταλλάδικη ψυχή η οποία είναι βαριά εθισμένη στα Blues και το βαρύ βρώμικο αμερικανοτραφές Rock n' Roll.
  Κομμάτια σαν το "Rivers & Oceans" απλά δεν γράφονται κάθε μέρα και είναι τουλάχιστον άδικο να τα αποκαλείς Stoner ή κόπια των PANTERA.
  Το "RBL" είναι απλά απ'τα καλύτερα κομμάτια που έχω ακούσει ποτέ και είναι φτιαγμένο για "επαναστατικά" κλωτσομπουνίδια μέσα στο pit ενώ το ομόνυμο τραγούδι του δίσκου,με μεγάλο plus τα ροκάδικα πλήκτρα και τα stoned γυναικεία φωνητικά είναι απλά ο υπέρτατος ύμνος του βάλτου.
   Ούτε Stoner ,ούτε Heavy Rock ούτε άλλα γραφικά...ο γέροντας εμίλησε:SWAMP METAL!!!

  Καλωσορίζω και τον φίλτατο ΣΠΥΡΟ σαν συνταξιδιώτη σ'αυτό το όχημα που μας κάνει να εκφραζόμαστε σχετικά με ότι μας καίει το κεφάλι,μουσικά πάντα μιλώντας.Αν και είμαι σίγουρος πως σύντομα θα έχουμε κι άλλα μέλη .
  Όπως θα καταλάβατε όσοι μας διαβάζετε αφού δεν πετύχαμε να κάνουμε διεθνή καρριέρα το γυρίσαμε στα ελληνικά.

                                                              ELECTRIC MUD GENERATOR

Η εύρεση καινούριας μουσικής γίνεται συνήθως ή με την προσωπική αναζήτηση που προϋποθέτει το να βάζεις το κεφάλι κάτω( ή πάνω-κάτω, πάνω-κάτω, πάνω-κάτω) και να ξεθάβεις ,σκαλίζεις και να ξεσκονίζεις ακούσματα που τσουγκράς στην διάρκεια της μουσικής σου ζωής ή με το να σου συνιστά, συστήνει κάποιος κάτι να ακούσεις.
Έτσι λοιπόν ένα φιλαράκι που παρεμπίπτοντος έχει ,γαμάτη, εκπομπή κάθε τρίτη 10-12μμ και πέμπτη  6-8μμ στον ιντερνετικό σταθμό enterfm.gr με γνώρισε με τους : ELECTRIC MUD GENERATOR.

Το τρίο από το Leeds έχει καταπιεί και χωνέψει όλα τα δαιμόνια του progressive rock του 70 και παίρνοντας το DNA των ιδιωμάτων που γουστάρουν και έχουν περάσει τα 40 αυτά χρόνια ,ξερνάει στον 21ο αιώνα την μουσική του ανωμαλία.

Το 2ο τους άλμπουμ ‘’TO THE DISDAIN OF POLYHYMNIA’’ (‘’Στην περιφρόνηση της Πολυμνίας’’ ,ενδιαφέρον και ιντριγκαριστική η γνώση των Άγγλων για την αρχαιοελληνική μούσα των ιερών ύμνων της ευγλωττίας και της μνημοσύνης) σε προδιαθέτει μουσικά να πάρεις το progressive psychedelic rock το heavy rock τη folk και το doom να τα βάλεις σ’ ένα μπλέντερ και καρφώνοντας ένα χωνί στο κεφάλι σου με απ’ ευθείας σύνδεση με το επισκληρίδιο να σταξεις το μιγμα και να νιώσεις την γλυκιά μουσική μαστούρα.

Τα παιδιά δεν βιάζονται, δίνουν χώρο και χρόνο στα όργανα και στην φωνή να πουν την ιστορία τους πάνω στο 
συχνοτικό φάσμα και έτσι τα κομμάτια είναι 5.

Το Galatea 15:16 σε προϊδεάζει λέγοντας για την συμπαντική ένωση των 2 φύλων σε ένα.

Το She Wore Thorns είναι το χιτάκι και αυτό μόνο κ μόνο επειδή είναι 6:45.

Το Winter 13:38 αγαπάει κ μισεί τον χειμώνα.

Το Five Elegies 22:29 δείχνει ένα μονοπάτι προς τα θεία.

Το The Abolition 15:32 είναι το κάλεσμα κ η αποδέσμευση από κάτι παραφυσικό .Όλα αυτά βέβαια με καθαρά δική μου μετάφραση.

Οι στίχοι είναι ψυχεδελικοί και μιλάνε κατά βάση για την γυναίκα σαν ολότητα και με την διακριτική προσθήκη των γυναίκειων φωνητικών από την Ellie όλα αποκτάνε νόημα.
Ναι ρε, αυτά είναι τα δικά μας σκυλάδικα και μιλάνε για γυναίκες, αλλά όχι σαν τους ευκαιριακούς και ρηχούς  που μας έχουν κατακλύσει ,που υμνούν το αιδοίο (κύριος!!)εδώ μιλάνε και οι 6 αισθήσεις.

Το πρώτο τους άλμπουμ ‘’THE SUN WILL RISE’’ τους έχω ζητήσει να μου το στείλουν γιατί δεν μπορώ να το βρω πουθενά .Το μόνο κομμάτι που έχω ακούσει λέγετε ‘’Nectar’’ και με κάνει να μου τρέχουν τα σάλια ,μπορείτε να το βρείτε στο καλαίσθητα παγανιστικό τους site electricmudgenerator.co.uk μαζί με οτιδήποτε άλλο θέλετε να μάθετε για την μπάντα.


(Υ.Γ. 1) Όπως έχει πει ο δημιουργός του BLOG και δημιουργός πολλών, μόνο TRUE πραγμάτων και καταστάσεων ΠΑΝΟΣ ΚΑΡΝΑΡΗΣ εδώ γράφει όποιος θέλει ,όποτε θέλει και οτιδήποτε θέλει.

(Υ.Γ. 2) Γαμώ τα φράγκα και οποιονδήποτε (ιδίως μουσικούς) τα έχει σαν ισοζύγιο για την ζωή του, την έμπνευση και την ενεργητικότητα του.


Δευτέρα 18 Ιουνίου 2012

DAWN CROSBY  (1963 - 1996)

   Dawn Crosby was born in April 1963 in Maryland U.S.A. and she was meant to be one of those artists that lived fast and died young leaving behind records that remained hidden diamonds, waiting for those who search under the surface to find them.

  She was part of the Thrash Metal scene of L.A. by being the lead singer of DETENTE (formed in 1984) who released their debut album "Recognize no Authority" in 1986 from Metal Blade records.
  Dawn Crosby by being a wild free spirit made this band make a difference and not to sound as the average Thrash Metal band.By bringing the punk / hardcore attitude with her and a pissed of voice made "Recognize no Authority" being the perfect balance between the street attitude of punk and the wrath of Thrash Metal.
  Songs like "Holy War","Losers" and "Vultures in the sky" are perfect examples of this band's quality.In other words this album is a killer.!!!

  But unfortunately this wasn't meant to last for long.The promotional tour for the album was cancelled due to an injury of their drummer that left him for several months in hospital so the band split and Dawn Crosby followed a different path.
  DETENTE reformed in 1987 under the name CATALEPSY with singer Veronica Ross and released the album "Beyond the Threshold" so that they would split again and reunite in 2008 releasing their album "Decline" being always part of the Metal Blade family.Both of these records are full of extremely good Thrash Metal music.Check'em out.

   5 years later Dawn Crosby reappears with her new musical achievment.It's 1991 and along with DETENTE's guitarist Ross Robinson and later high class producer (KORN/SEPULTURA/LIMP BIZKIT) they release the album "Within the Veil".The name of the band FEAR OF GOD.
  I'm talking about a pure fucking nightmare!!!The music of FEAR OF GOD is like a bad trip through the worst of your fears.No points of light in this record,not at all.It's like snakes crawling on your skin while you're unable to react.
  Dawn Crosby takes her addictions,her fears and her anger puts'em all together and she's slowly poisoning your soul with that specimen.It's like she's temting you and cursing you at the same time.
  The sound is from another planet,melodic and heavy at the same time but the melodies are sick,creating the soundtrack of a deranged mind.Songs like "Betrayed","Love's Death","Emily","White Door" are just one of a kind.
  "Within the Veil" is a record so different from any other of that era and even now 21 years after it's release sounds like it comes from the future.

  Ross Robinson left the band but Dawn continued.They released "Tocic Voodoo" in 1994 and "Killing the Pain" ep in 1995 both of them fantastic records and more aggressive than their predecessor but none of them reached the heights of "Within the Veil".


   Meanwhile death had other plans.In 1996 Dawn Crosby dies of liver failure a problem that was created due to her alcoholism and leaves a huge gap in extreme music.
  True fucking rock n roll child Dawn Crosby lived her life on the edge and made music, milles away from the standards and the trends that destroy the musicians will to explore and create.


Τετάρτη 13 Ιουνίου 2012


    Tony Martin...a little god!!
  Sometimes the bands that we love and the bands that they are considered to be rock standards,they tend to change their line up through the years and the poor listener (in some cases follower of the band) has to get used to the new faces,sounds etc..
  If you change the whole band (musicians) most of the listeners might not notice (ok the spark will be lost especially if you start to use only session musicians because they don't care about the songs,they just do their job) but if you change the singer you create a completely different face of expression of the band.
  I'm not saying that the musicians are less important than the singer,all i'm saying is that the voice is what gives a band it's personality (can you imagine MOTORHEAD without Lemmy or METALLICA without Hetfield?I don't think so!) 
  One of these cases are the allmighty BLACK SABBATH a band who set the foundations of Heavy Metal music at the beginning of the 70's.The story of SABBATH and Ozzy is known and also the story of SABBATH and Dio is known and even the two "one night stands" of the band are known with Ian Gillan (BORN AGAIN) and Glenn Hughes (SEVENTH STAR) both of them former DEEP PURPLE singers.But what about Tony Martin?

  Tony Martin,a fantastic musician (he plays a lot of instruments) and not only a fantastic singer entered the world of BLACK SABBATH in 1987 a period that SABBATH were more like a Tony Iommi project than a real band, with members changing all the time something that faded the musical value of the band for a while.
  The first album that was recorded with him behind the microphone was "THE ETERNAL IDOL" with a sound closer to what the band did with Dio,that mixture of epic metal and the rock virus of SABBATH sound,but more friendly to the radio.
  The guitars are not as heavy as they used to be  and it's more like 80's Heavy Metal stuff,but the voice of the man is fantastic,strong,full of expression and melodic.It's one of the band's most illfated albums but it's the beginning of a new era.

  Two years after the release of "...IDOL" in 1989 Tony Iommi awakens the demon inside of him and with Cozy Powel (fuckin' beast) on drums and of course the voice of Tony Martin manages to release their best record in years "HEADLESS CROSS".
  The tittle track has one of the best riffs Iommi ever written and Martin just takes the whole album to a higher level with his singing.Songs like "Devil & Daughter" and "When Death Calls" are simply huge rock monuments!!The SABBATH of the 80's owe a huge respect to the voice of this man who took a ship that was sinking and pulled it back to the surface.

   The 80's are gone ,the 90's are here and BLACK SABBATH go epic!The year 1990 they release the album "TYR" a record with songs inspired by the Norse mythology,more aggressive, but still noble, than the other two with huge riffing and a Tony Martin making rock singing sound like a Viking warcry.Songs: "Valhalla","The Law Maker","Jerusalem","The Sabbath Stones" and the super ballad "Feels good to me" shows that a band can transform it's sound through the years without changing the quality of their songwriting as long as inspiration is boilling in the musicians mind.
  From the drug oriented doom rock of the 70's to the heights of Valhalla at the 90's with Tony Martin "spreading his magic" upon us.

  But history is never fair when bussiness rule the game.In 1992 Tony Martin is kicked out of the band and R.J. Dio along with the whole line up of "MOB RULES"(Geezer Butler-Bass and Vinnie Appice -Drums) returns and BLACK SABBATH release the most dark and heavy album of their career, "DEHUMANIZER".
  A true masterpiece indeed,a record that is not popular among rock fans,only metallheads love it,that says a lot about it.
  But Dio and Iommi couldn't make their egos work together so after the tour they split again and guess what.Tony Martin is back in!!!
  1994.Geezer Butler on bass,Bobby Rondinelly on drums and "CROSS PURPOSES" is aiming straight to our hearts.I'll tell you what,i'm in love with this album.
  The sound is heavy, the riffs are rock/metal perfection,the voice rocks and the songs are made to be rememberd.I'm listening to it since i was a kid and it still rocks me every time i hear it!!
  "I Witness","Evil eye" and "Immaculate Deception" are some of my favourite metal songs ever but it's not only those songs the whole album is just perfect.
  After the tour and a recorded live album that came along with a VHS capturing the magic of that band on stage named "CROSS PURPOSES LIVE" we all realised that Martin wasn't only a good singer but a great performer too.
  The footage on the VHS is great but the biggest trap of the SABBATH material are the songs of Ozzy.All the singers that passed from SABBATH couldn't sing those songs properly no matter how they tried, because the voice of Ozzy is unique and raw and the artistic touch of all the others didn't ever ,ever fit.Iommi should never put his frontmen thtough that test!

In 1995 the line up changes once again,Neil Murray on bass guitar and Cozy Powel behind the drum kit for one more time.The album "FORBIDDEN" is released and it was meant to be the last album with Tony Martin on vocals and the last studio  album carrying the name of BLACK SABBATH until now since the record "THE DEVIL YOU KNOW "with R.J.Dio that was released just before Dio's death in 2010 came out carrying the name of HEAVEN & HELL and not the name of BLACK SABBATH.
  Now, "FORBIDDEN" seems to be the most unlucky album this band ever made,the critics never liked it ,they kinda burried it but the truth is somewhere in the middle.Ok it's not the best album this band ever made and it's not carrying the high standards of their discography 
but it has it's moments.
  "Illusion of power" with the contribution of BODYCOUNT'S Ice-t on rhyming upon an Iommi gloomy riff  makes this song the strangest song of their discography but songs like "Get a grip","Rusty Angels","Kiss of Death" and the title track are just perfect.
  It's a love it or hate it album and it's a shame that the Tony Martin chapter closed like this and not in a blaze of glory as it should have.

  This BLACK SABBATH period always left me with a bitter taste because i'm among those who believe that Tony Martin should've been treated better from the "boss" Tony Iommi and not just to be used to cover the gaps between high class reunions.
  When the records weren't selling enough Martin wasn't needed anymore even though he helped Iommi's career not to fade and there's something else that we shouldn't forget.He is the second vocalist after Ozzy that stayed for such a long time with SABBATH than anyone alse.
 It was a tribute to a great artist!!
Listen to his records,there's tons of great music in there!


Τρίτη 12 Ιουνίου 2012

                                                      DAVID GILMOUR (1978)


Ok ...it's 1978 and the man goes solo!!Having a huge carrier with PINK FLOYD allready, DAVID GILMOUR releases his first solo album using his name as a title.I must admit that the differences with his original band are not that many since his voice and the sound of his guitar is like a trademark for the music of PINK FLOYD but there is a sence of coolness and freedom in the sound of this album that shows the need for expression in a more down to earth atmosphere of the artist.
The blues in general are the number one ingredient of his material and songs like "Michalis","Raise my Rent","Cry from the Street" and of course the masterpiece "There's no way out of here"(there's a cover of this song in MONSTER MAGNET'S album MONOLITHIC BABY" that kicks ass), are fine examples of great rock songwriting with fantastic melodies,great sound and a voice that travels you through your ups and downs.
To all the music lovers : you must listen this record!!!

Τετάρτη 6 Ιουνίου 2012

                                        45 RATS - FIRST GEAR ep (2011)

Here they are!!! True rock n roll brothers and mad dogs of the underground scene of Athens.They were created in 2008 and this 5 track ep is their first official recording.I'm telling you these guys kick some real ass.I saw them playing recently along with THREE WAY PLANE and MAKE BELIEVE and i can't assure you that they totally rocked me out!!
There's only one rule in this house:no vocals!!!All of their songs are instrumental,combining stoner riffing with rock n roll leads and attitude and their not afraid to play fast.Their groovy parts are not huge,but sexy and no they don't remind me of KARMA TO BURN(absence of vocals) but what they do is taking that attitude and making it more streetwise!!!
Last but not least:the artwork of their cd is fantastic and handmade.I'm looking forward for the album!!!