Τρίτη 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2012



Blacklisted come from Athens Greece and they sound really nice.
 They recorded this five track demo in May 2011 loyal to the D.I.Y.spirit against to what the music bussiness
"has to offer".
 Three songs in english and two songs in greek.,songs that they don't add something new to the world of punk rock in general but they sound very fresh in their simplicity.
 The horns that they use is surelly a huge plus to their sound (miles away from ska punk stupidity) giving some extra flavour.Their greek side reminds me of ΧΑΣΜΑ especially the last song of the E.P. "αντεχεις?".
 Don't forget to mention the fantastic artworck which is a folded poster baring the phrase"REVOLUTION COMES FROM THE UNDERGROUND" given in a piece of black or red cloth.
 As far as i know there is alimited amount of copies so you can contact the band:

or download it
(but i think you should contact...)

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